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Life is Full of Transitional Journeys

Debbie Dubickas

Resilience is the ability to bounce back when things do not go as planned.

If only living life was as straight forward as counting from one to ten - however this is not the case. From being a new-born taking our first breath, learning to crawl and walk, falling and get back up, running and learning to talk.

These may be looked on as stages or transitions from baby to toddler, from toddler to pre K, from child to teenager, from teenager to young adult and so on. The responsibilities that comes with adult hood involves periods of times that involves changes in our lifestyle and situation.

From changing careers, getting married, becoming a parent, reaching retirement, illness or loss, moving home or divorce, these are all life transitioning situations/events. It is how we deal with these transitions that I believe takes resilience and resilience involves taking care of ourselves in all areas, physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.

Each transition may be faced differently depending on how we view/perceive things within ourselves. Some of us may confidently sail through the many transitions in life and others may struggle as these transitions may stir up anxieties, fears and insecurities, opinions in how people view us which in turn affects us emotionally and many tend to shut down and hold the suppressed emotions inside our bodies.

The cycle begins and follows through with mostly every other transition in life. Our minds get overwhelmed and our bodies get exhausted. Working on our resilience begins with self care. Recognizing our negative thinking and taking time out to quieten our thoughts. Feeling and expressing our feelings in the knowledge it is safe to do so as we continue to make self care a priority, we easily manage any challenges that come our way. Progression and Growth through the many transitions of life gives us room to think, reflect and learn.

Each experience gives us more life lessons learnt and builds our confidence in who we are. It is an exciting time to walk and run the path we are all on when we have a confident view in how we see ourselves.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back when things do not go to plan. Whether it be committing time to relax at Soho Wellness Med Spa in South Tampa, giving your mind time to be still, having a deep tissue massage to release the knots in your back or stress in your neck, to taking time out in our Sauna away from everything and everyone.

Calming your mind and thoughts, allows peace and calm into your life allowing you the ability to deal with the challenges that maybe ahead.

Blog written by Debbie Dubickas

Soho Wellness and Med Spa

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